Angus Bull Sire Semen For Sale
Fair Oaks has genetics offering the only herd in America specifically designed to excel in the areas of:
- Structural integrity
- Fertility and vigor
- Native forage efficiency
- Longevity
- Fully packed moderate frame
3 year guarantee on fertility & soundness on all FO 100% bulls
Order Bull Semen Now!
All semen is shipped frozen. Shipping cost is calculated using your zip code. Please call 805-238-3811 to place your order and we will e-mail you with your total bill with a request to make your payment via PayPal.
Bull Semen Prices and Packages:
• Fall Semen Discount – BUY 10 STRAWS GET 1 FREE
• Bulk Order – call for discount rate of orders for 400 straws or more at (805) 238-3811.
• Feel free to mix and match bull sires
• Certificates for registration – $20.00 each

UGO A02 Premier Maternal Sire Reg: AAA +15010867 Traits: Premier female progeny, with mature frame of 4.5, structurally sound, calving ease. Ugo passes exceptional temperament. His steers finish on grass in 18 months. Retained cows have perfect udders and are easy fleshing moms. You are going to like the way he influences your herd. Ugo’s dam 2821 was one of the top producers at Turihaua Station in New Zealand. See his sisters at work in our herd! Visit Ugo’s American Angus Association registration page for his statistics.
Semen & Straw Certifcates
- UGO A02 straw bundles
- UGO A02 certificate

DEBIT A12 Reg: AAA +15063041 Debit is massive with a frame of 4.0. Debit will add volume and beef. Traits: Maternal bull moderated framed, structurally sound, low birth weight, deep -bodied herd sire. Visit Debit’s American Angus Association registration page for his statistics.
Semen & Straw Certificates
- DEBIT A12 straw bundles
DEBIT A12 certificate

ALLEGIANCE D29 – son of PLEDGE A6 Reg: AAA 15818663 Allegiances’ yearling calves show strong depth with added frame and outstanding wean rates. Visit Pledge’s American Angus Association registration page for his statistics.
Semen & Straw Certifcates

PLEDGE A6 Reg: AAA +15010868 Pledge was a profound foundation bull, his mature frame size was 4.5. Limited semen is available. His cows are as strong and fertile as some of the best maternal lineage in America. Look for his son “Allegiance” at Bull Walk 2013. Visit Pledge’s American Angus Association registration page for his statistics.
Semen & Straw Certificates
- PLEDGE A6 straw bundle
- PLEDGE A6 certificate

TANK A10 Reg: AAA +15050238 Tank is the ultimate sire for a “pasture to plate” program, his frame is a 5. Traits: Paternal sire adding mass and muscle to all comers. Tank offers exceptionally high fertility, structural soundness and deep bodied beef, moderate birth weights producing high beef steer weights, targeting a harvest at 18-24 months finishing on grass. Visit Tank’s American Angus Association registration page for his statistics.
Semen & Straw Certificates
- TANK A10 straw bundles
- TANK A10 certificate